Who are we?

Jubilee Church is a group of people with a heart for Leamington, Warwick, Stratford, Kenilworth and the surrounding areas whose lives have been changed by Jesus Christ.

We come from different walks of life, and different nations, and are committed to biblical, evangelical Christianity with the powerful presence of the Spirit amongst us.

Jubilee Church sees itself being involved with the whole body of Christ. To that end we are associated with a number of streams and networks; these include Global Legacy, Revival Alliance, Hope Leamington, The Order of St Leonard, The Evangelical Alliance , Catalyst Network, Bethel Leaders Network, Acts Now Moment and No Place Left.


Our name Jubilee is derived from Isaiah 61 which speaks of God’s restoration of individuals and communities through the power of the Spirit.

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We are a group of people who love and care for one another, and who passionately pursue the presence of God in their lives. We express this often as family at our “family groups” and regularly on Sunday through bring and share lunches and picnics in local parks.

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We  encourage, equip and train every member of the local church to see them released for the purposes to which Jesus Christ has called them in the local church and beyond. We have a particular emphasis on equipping the church to share the gospel using simple tools such as The Three Circles and the 15 second testimony.

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Kingdom Advance (Evangelism)

We are a group of people who are looking to share the joy and hope that we have in Jesus Christ, and to see peoples' lives transformed by the power of God.

We regularly share the gospel with people in our lives, such as family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

We also have regular outreach times every Friday evening at 19.45 outside the Pump Room Gardens opposite Pizza Express where we offer “Spiritual Readings” and an encounter with God.

Copyright Ivan Guaderrama


We are a group of people who passionately worship God on a daily basis in our own lives, so that this overflows into our times of meeting together, when we hunger to be in his presence and glorify his name.